Technical Skills
C/C++, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Python
- Computer Science, BS from Iowa State University 2024
- C++ Developer Certificate from DMACC 2021
Custom OS for the RasberryPi 3 (CROS)
- Used Assembly, C and C++
- Built from Scratch with Fat32 memory format
- Contributed mostly to Userspace (custom C library and interactive shell)
- Gained knowledge in GDB and cross-compiliers
- For more info go to:
Computer StoreFront Website
- Uses Node, React, MangoDB
- One-page style
- Interactive with verification checks on payment info
- Correctly updates the store when a user adds to cart and checks out
- A admin has the ability to add a new product from the site
Oddjob App
- Made with Android Studio, Java, MySql, Maven and Springboot
- Focused on Frontend development
- a user can either find a job, or make a job request
- Learned websockets, http requests with Volly, XML files and general app development for phones
Card counter application
- Desktop GUI with QT and C++
- SQLight to simulate communication with a database
- csv reader for users to upload personal decks
- Can save decks for the user to be accessed at later activations